Precious People’s Assembly for All Nations, Abuja, Nigeria had their fifteenth anniversary in June this year. It was tagged DIVINE HELP. I was their guest minister. Before the meeting, I woke up one early morning to have my meditation, preparatory to the meeting. Hardly had I started my meditation when I heard clearly in my spirit, “HELP IS FOR THE WEAK”! Levi played host to Jesus one day. Now, Levi was a tax officer, so he belonged to a group much hated by the people because of their extortionate behaviour. At the table with Him were other publicans and sinners. The Pharisees and Scribes would have none of that. They questioned Jesus why He would stoop that low. Jesus’ reply was, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”” Mark 2:17 NKJV. Similarly, those who are strong have no need of help.
Some people are rather too strong for God to help…There is a level of destitution that we must feel in order to qualify for God’s help
They are too intelligent and connected, forgetting what the Scripture says that God does not delight in the legs of a man. Some are too powerful in themselves, forgetting that God does not delight in the strength of a horse. Some ladies are too beautiful in their assessment, and they expect all men to dote all over them, forgetting that beauty is vain, and favour is deceitful. The ego of some people is the reason they cannot enjoy God’s help. I once listened to Jack Graham on radio, and he gave an uncanny definition of EGO – EDGING GOD OUT. Whatever advantage you think you have that edges God out becomes a disadvantage. There is a level of destitution that we must feel in order to qualify for God’s help.