The World Aquatic Championships held in Budapest last June. An otherwise colourful championship would have been marred without a timely intervention. A United States swimmer, Anita Alvarez had just completed her solo free final when she fainted and drifted to the bottom of the pool. Noticing that something was not right, the team coach, Andrea Fuentes dived fully clothed into the pool to bring Anita out. She was breathless and had to be rushed to the hospital for medical attention. Thankfully, she has full recovered.
On a broader scale, it is heart-warming that Jesus is watching over His own with tender care. He is ever attentive to deliver us from harm’s way.
The incident easily reminds us of Peter. One day, the disciples freaked out when they saw someone walking on the water. Jesus allayed their fears by telling them He was the one. Peter sought leave to do like the Master, and he was obliged. We don’t know how many steps he took on the water before he took his attention off the Master. A shifted focus was all it took for him to start sinking. In desperation, he cried to Jesus. The Master reached out for his hand and rescued him. This miracle teaches the importance of a mentor over our lives. Each of us should have someone who not only inspires us, but also is able to salvage us in crisis moments. On a broader scale, it is heart-warming that Jesus is watching over His own with tender care. He is ever attentive to deliver us from harm’s way.