Two things hold the key to enjoying help from God. Firstly, there has to be an admission of our inadequacies. In our text, the psalmist did not find it difficult to accept his “poor and needy” state. He was not ashamed to call for help. The seriousness of his state and his earnestness can be seen from the fact that this text is repeated verbatim in another place. “But I am poor and needy; Make haste to me, O God! You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay.” (Psalms 70:5 NKJV). Again, in Psalm 69:29 David admitted that he was “poor and sorrowful”. When we launched the ministry, I used to include a Yoruba adage in my prayer. I would tell God that an ox without a tail would be at the mercy of flies without God’s help. Then I would tell God that I was like the tailless ox and He would have to ward off flies for me. Coming to God for help must be with openness, nothing psychedelic or pretentious.
“Giving God quality praise qualifies you to enjoy more of His help.”
Gratitude is the second key to accessing the help of God. There has to be relentless gratitude to both God and man. The more gratitude you show the more help comes your way. Jesus underscored the role of gratitude in the story of the ten lepers. They were all cleansed, but only one returned to give thanks. The one who returned got the icing on the cake, he was not just cleansed of leprosy but was made whole. Giving God quality praise qualifies you to enjoy more of His help.