Many a sincere believer who wants to improve their prayer lives are often caught with the question, “What do I pray for?” It could be frustrating to bow the head in prayer and find out that three minutes on, you have run out of what to say. How do we deal with situations like this? A good way to draw out prayer points is to read the Bible. It is a standard practice for me to read God’s word first before I pray. It is almost inconceivable that you will spend 30 minutes to one hour in the word without getting inspiration for prayer. The lessons gleaned from the pages of the Bible should be converted to prayer points. Really, a good way to wait on God is to read the Bible a little and pray a little; then return to reading a little and praying a little.
Really, a good way to wait on God is to read the Bible a little and pray a little; then return to reading a little and praying a little.
Information that comes our way is a good source of prayer points. In our previous meditation, we noted that God remembered the intercession of Abraham and made a way of escape for Lot and his family. What informed the intercession? God had divulged his plan to him about the coming danger on Sodom. That information was what led Abraham to pray. Nehemiah also took advantage of the information that he got about the Jewish returnees in Jerusalem to begin passionate prayer. Every news item is a potential prayer point. We live in a world with constant breaking news, both locally and globally. Don’t just follow the news only to be informed; use what you hear to reform your world by praying.