As I write this entry my mind is on those report sheets we got at the end of each school
term. For impressive results the class teacher would write, “Good result, but you can still
improve”. I later came across a quote by Helmut Schmidt who said, “The biggest room
in the world is the room for improvement”. The strongest case that one can make for
improvement is that it increases value. For instance, you buy a parcel of land today for a
certain amount. Even if all you do fence it, the value will appreciate. Or, imagine a bag
of coca sold for peanuts. When it gets to Europe and is processed into chocolate the
value goes up astronomically. So he who improves himself enhances his value.
“The idea of revision is to find out what needs to be added.”
Improvement can be inspired from various angles. One is through revision. It is
interesting that even God reviewed His work of creation in Genesis. After He made
man, He took a second look and concluded that it was not good for him to be alone.
That brings us to a second way to improvement, and that is by addition. When we
review our lives or works, it should not stop there. The idea of revision is to find out what
needs to be added. In God’s case, He added a woman to the man. Finally, an
improvement could be by changing some things altogether. To keep on the track of
improvement, God’s word to Micah must ring in our hearts constantly that where we are
is not a final resting place.