Psalm 51 remains one of the most iconic psalms ever penned by David or anyone else for that matter. It is believed that the psalm was written after his indiscretion with Bathsheba was brought to light. The psalm reveals the depth of his penitence. It was from a complete broken and contrite spirit, which was one of the reasons he was so beloved of God. Of particular interest to us is verse 11 – “Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.” (Psalms 51:11 NKJV). David begged God not to take the Holy Spirit from him. This petition may have been informed by two things. Firstly, he knew how Saul fell from the height of glory to a depth of despair when God withdrew the Spirit from him. He would not want to add to the list of such miserable existence. Secondly, his desperation for the retention of the Spirit was a pointer that everything about him depended on His influence. As far as he was concerned, the Spirit was indispensable.
” It is through the activities of the Spirit that we know our inheritance in God.”
In our previous meditation, we came across one reason why the Spirit is indispensable. It is by Him that we can make choices that tend to life. Without giving the Spirit the right of way, we risk taking steps that will be counterproductive to divine purposes for our lives. In our text for meditation today, there is another thing pointed out that makes the Holy Spirit indispensable. It is through the activities of the Spirit that we know our inheritance in God. This inheritance can be seen in two ways, which include earthly inheritance and eternal inheritance (reserved for the age to come). Either way, the Spirit reveals them for our inspiration and motivation towards apprehending them.