An anonymous author once said, “Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper”. Peter almost fell into this trap. Shortly after Jesus told him what work he would do and how his life would progress from then on, he probed what the Master would have John do. The Master’s response is found in John 21:22 – “Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me”. The import of Jesus’ reply to Peter is that we all have been called into different races; and that should form the object of our pursuit.
“You cannot run a good race; talk less of winning, unless you first understand the particular race that God has called you to run.”
What we make of all this is the fact that no one is called to run an all-purpose race; the race of life is an individual one. You cannot run a good race; talk less of winning, unless you first understand the particular race that God has called you to run. You are not designed to run in every direction, not even if many people go that way. There is a direction God wants your life to go; figure it out and stick to your lane. Going in the direction of others may breed frustration at the end of the day. This brings us again to the role of the Holy Spirit. It is through Him that we know the race set before us. Otherwise, we risk burning our energy on what will not count ultimately. In addition, it is also by the help of the Spirit that we can lay aside the weights and sins that are inhibitors in the race of life.