The Reverend Carl Boberg is credited for the lyrics of the powerful hymn HOW GREAT THOU ART. The genesis of the hymn is interesting. He was said to be taking a walk one day when thunder struck; after which calm and a bright sky appeared. What echoed out of his mouth were the words, “Great God”. From these words emerged a poem which eventually became the foundation of a timeless hymn. The Reverend Carl Boberg shared the same sentiments with David. In Psalm 8, David was awe struck at the greatness of God when he saw all of creation. So small is man in comparison to the universe that he wondered why God would ever look in his direction. Many of the praises that the psalmists sang to God were on account of His vast creation. You too should think of anything in you or around as stimulus praise.
A stranger met fortuitously could be all that is needed to release the Kairos moment. Only those who recognise this can do significant things in life.
In our previous meditation, we distinguished between Chronos and Kairos. We saw the latter as the right, critical, or opportune moment. Unlike Chronos, this has no human input at all. So it has to be discerned and seized. I believe that a Kairos moment came for Carl Boberg to write the hymn that has blessed generations. Recall that it was a thunderstruck that inspired the hymn. He was in no way behind the thunder. No human engineered the thunder. It happened way beyond any human manipulation. Now we understand that the weather could be the tipping point. A stranger met fortuitously could be all that is needed to release the Kairos moment. Only those who recognise this can do significant things in life.