Professional sportsmen and women make their money in various ways. Firstly, they get paid for their mastery of the game. Most times the pay is outrageous when compared to what is obtainable in other fields. Secondly, they make money from outside the field of play through endorsements. Manufacturers and companies use them as ambassadors to promote their brands. The logic behind this is simple: those who engage them as ambassadors want the world to think that using their brand has something to do with the success they have. For the companies, that translates to more customers and more money.
One man I love referencing repeatedly is Archbishop Clement Kirby. He once said, “People will always emulate success”. How true this is! Even those who “succeed” the wrong way have others emulate them. Why do images of celebrities donned everywhere? Why do young people put pictures of football stars or music icons in their custody? They are making subtle statement that they want to be like those men and women who have grown rich and famous. So, when the people of God succeed the Bible way, they become an attraction to others, for multitudes that would want them for mentoring. That will be an ample opportunity to spread Kingdom values and precepts. If we present a picture to the world that walking with God leads to mediocrity and poverty, we project a wrong image and do damage to the kingdom. God is in need of successful people who will act as kingdom ambassadors. Choose to be one of them.