I understand that the word ‘crisis’ in Japanese is written with the words ‘danger’ and ‘opportunity’. Isn’t that instructive that difficult or dangerous situations may be stepping stones to greater heights? For the undiscerning, their focus would be on the danger rather than the opportunity it portends. I believe this was the problem with the children of Israel. The spies reported that the land was indeed good, but that giants were there too. To demonstrate how good the land was, they brought samples of the grapes which they had cut from the Promised Land. Rather than focus on the opportunities of the land, they got fixated on the giants. Had the giants been all-conquering as they submitted, they would not have succeeded in taking samples of the grapes. They lost their opportunity to wrong focus.
“Hardly will any promise of God come to pass without a faith battle. God does not set before you doors of opportunity without some form of resistance from the adversary.”
Hardly will any promise of God come to pass without a faith battle. God does not set before you doors of opportunity without some form of resistance from the adversary. Paul found this out in his missionary journey. He found “real opportunity…for great and worthwhile work” at Ephesus, but there were many oppositions too. Paul did not allow the opposition to force him out of the doors which God had opened for him. When God gives you an opportunity, stand your ground by faith and never be intimidated by the roar of the adversaries.