If there was ever any prayer said in the garden by Adam, it was certainly not because of any need. He was given license to eat from all trees apart from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. A river flowing from the garden parted into four heads. He also had dominion over birds, beasts and other creatures that scurried on the ground. Indeed, he had a full life. His interaction with God must have been that of fellowship. If the fall had not occurred, man would never have had any need for which to petition God. From our text, it is clear that Adam did not know that something was missing. It was God who noticed the need for companionship and went ahead to arrange for one.
Besides, God can afford what we need and He is willing to give them to us. This knowledge should settle every anxiety permanently.
People struggle with various emotions, some of which are anger, anxiety, forgiveness, and grief. God’s word has the prescription for each of them. In Matthew 6, Jesus addressed the subject of anxiety. He taught His disciples to discount anxiety over what to eat and drink, and over what to wear. Appealing to their senses, Jesus explained that though the birds of the air do not sow or reap, God takes care of them. The grasses in the field are renewed in beauty regularly. The disciples are of greater worth than the birds and the lilies, so they must occupy priority in God’s sequence. One statement that sums up the admonition was when Jesus said, “For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” (Matthew 6:32 NKJV). God who knew that Adam needed a wife and provided one for him, knows what each of us needs. Besides, God can afford what we need and He is willing to give them to us. This knowledge should settle every anxiety permanently.