The prelude to our passage of Scripture for today’s meditation is Galatians chapter 1. Paul had expressed great disappointment at the turn of events among the Galatians. They started their walk with God on a good note when they embraced the finished work of Christ. They had since fallen from the truth taught them when they started subscribing to certain Judaistic practices like circumcision. Paul made them see that it was a retrogressive thing to return to the burdensome requirements of the law which Jesus dealt away with. A departure from the simplicity in Christ was a departure from the advantages conferred by the cross.
“A departure from the simplicity in Christ was a departure from the advantages conferred by the cross…The worship of God should be a continuous devotion every day of the week. Worship is what we do!”
Till this very moment, it is quite easy to drift back to the draconian demands of the law and make a complete mess of the grace brought to us by Jesus. Take for example the renewed emphasis by some that Saturday, and not Sunday, is the day that God sanctioned for worship. The problem here is multiple. Jesus had a good word for the Samaritan woman who opined that worship must be done in a certain place. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him don’t have to go to a particular mountain to connect with Him. Once people worship in spirit and truth, they are accepted, notwithstanding their location. This same argument goes for days of worship too. God is more concerned with the state of our hearts than the day we choose to worship. Finally, New Testament worship is not restricted to a single day or a couple of days. The worship of God should be a continuous devotion every day of the week. Worship is what we do!