Today we turn our attention to the third warning in this chapter, which incidentally is the second regarding food. When we began this series we had the first warning on how to behave when we sit at the table with a ruler. The rule of thumb is modesty. In the present circumstance, we are to abstain altogether from eating the food of a miser. The reason for this warning is stated in verses 7 and 8 – “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, But his heart is not with you. The morsel you have eaten, you will vomit up, And waste your pleasant words”.
Two things are involved when you partake of the food of a miser. Firstly, you are faced with insincerity. There is a total disconnect between what he tells you and what goes on in his heart. His mouth offers you freedom, but his heart censors you. Insincere people are dangerous, to say the least. Secondly, when you take what a miser offers, it is like a setup. He will find a way to extract what you took from him, if not more. In addition to this, you stake your reputation when you deal with a miser. You can be sure that what you “enjoyed” through his false hospitality will be broadcast from the rooftop until people begin to see you as a worthless fellow. The question you might ask is, how can I tell if the offer I get is from a miserly heart or liberal one? Firstly, watch out for what an individual says about those who have benefited from them. If they berate them, they will surely do the same to you. Secondly, the Spirit of God in you will help. The Spirit of the Lord can help you discern the thoughts of the heart and the motives of people. It is better to wait on God to send help through a generous heart than to take the temporary relief of a miser.