During the April edition of the Holy Ghost night, Pastor E. A. Adeboye recalled his experience when he lost one of his sons last year. Here are his own words: ‘’When I lost my son last year (2021), then I was deeply in sorrow, I got a text (message) from one of my (spiritual) daughters that suddenly turned the tide. What she wrote was simply this: “Daddy, let God carry you.”” Two things are necessary for emphasis here. Firstly, those who occupy ministry offices of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers are mere mortals as anyone else. During our beginning of the year pastors’ retreat, I counseled our pastors to avoid the temptation to parade themselves as “designer” pastors. I coined that word from designer babies. Though it is still being debated ethically, designer babies if allowed would be perfect specimens of human beings. I exhorted that by God’s design, pastors have the same struggles as the people they are called to lead. It is the grace of God that makes the difference.
Choose to make a difference in the life of someone. It may not cost you more than a text, a voice call, or a word of prayer.
Secondly, a time comes when the minister needs to be ministered to himself. Pastor Adeboye began his recovery journey after a lady ministered to him. Interestingly, it did not take more than a text message. You can never imagine how much a text could do if it is in response to the prompting of the Spirit and anointed by Him. Great men either in the spirit realm or any other field do have their down moments too. Unfortunately, the world only knows how to draw from them and not minister back to them. Choose to make a difference in the life of someone. It may not cost you more than a text, a voice call, or a word of prayer.