Purim is from the word ‘pur’, and it simply means the lot. It is an annual feast marked
among Jews. Its origin is traceable to the lot that Haman cast to have the Jews
exterminated but was divinely overturned. This led to the fourteenth and fifteenth of the
month of Adar (the twelfth month of the Hebrew calendar) being set aside for
celebration among the Jews. This mighty turnaround was because Esther used the
throne as a platform to wield influence on the king. By the way, believers in our country
were largely uninterested in government and governance until recently. We are
beginning to realise that what laws passed in parliament or government agencies have
sweeping effects on us. For example, everybody suffered from the Central Bank
currency redesign policy and the introduction of a cashless system. One right person in
a position of authority can bring salvation to multitudes.
“One right person in a position of authority can bring salvation to multitudes.”
Generally speaking, it takes one platform or the other to exercise God’s influence on
people and society. If you want to be influential, you have to define your platform. For a
pastor, his platform is the pulpit. For a writer, the platform is pen and paper. For a
Christian Doctor, his clinic becomes the platform for the exercise of influence. Let not
the teacher forget that the classroom is the platform to influence people. Do you know
how influential a teacher is over young minds in his class? Young men and women are
willing to discuss with their teachers what they are afraid to tell their parents. That is
why nothing is secular for the children of God; everything must be an opportunity to
showcase Jesus to the world.