Scapegoating is the practice of passing the blame on something or someone else. It is a demonstration of unwillingness to accept responsibility. Yesterday, we learned from Joshua’s encounter with God while he was seeking remedy for the failure that beset his army. God asked him to search the camp for the answer. By the time the lot was cast, it fell on Achan. It was only when he was eliminated that Israel returned to the winning way. As far as Achan remained in the camp, he was a stopper. That lid must be taken away.
This is a strong principle for going forward in life. Look inward! Too often, people blame their predicament on external forces, some unnamed enemies from the village. However, the greatest enemy may as well be within each of us. If you conduct an honest assessment of your life, you may soon discover that the bulk of what constitutes stoppers to your quest for progress lies within. As you deal with them, you find yourself on the path of progress once more. That was what the prodigal son did. He conducted a self-audit. He did not blame any external factor for his deplorable state. He addressed himself and soon returned to the place of honour and dignity.