Two things have already been established as practical ways of demonstrating love.
Firstly, we give; and secondly, we forgive those who offend us. Note that forgiveness
becomes necessary after a wrong is committed. The truth is that where love truly reigns,
offences are hardly noticed. In this we will agree with the words of Scripture; that love
covers a multitude of sins. The presence of daily bickering is evidence of imperfect love.
People who love others are willing to go the extra mile in bearing with unpleasant
“Real love does not pride itself in anything; because of the understanding that everything is by grace.”
From our passage, we notice other proofs of love. It says that love does not envy. If you
envy someone, you don’t really love as God demands. The Bible says that envy is
rottenness to the bones. (See Proverbs 14:30). If your bones are rotting, your health will
be in danger! Furthermore, love is said to not parade itself. Earlier, we noted that one of
the proofs of love is giving. However, the giver doesn’t have to broadcast his or her
giving. That would be behaving like the Pharisees who usually broadcast their giving to
seek attention. Jesus says that such behaviour misses the mark before God. If God
lifted someone through you, don’t go around telling others that without you, that
individual would have been a nobody. Keep in mind that God is a God of many
channels. Someone else could have been picked by God to get the job done. Real love
does not pride itself in anything; because of the understanding that everything is by