It has been estimated that there are more than 400,000 species of plant on earth. Scientists have noted that at least about 200,000 of them are edible for humans. Some raised the figure even higher- as high as 300,000. What does this point to? The riches of creation and the liberality of God who has given so great a latitude to His creation to enjoy! So we notice God’s word to man that he could freely eat of what was in the garden. The word of Paul readily comes to mind here, that God has given us all things richly to enjoy. (1 Timothy 6:17).
Those who disregard boundaries may soon discover that they have erected self-imposed barriers that cannot be shifted…A life without boundaries is a reckless one, and may end up in a disaster.
As liberal as God is, He also put a boundary in place. However, the boundary was placed out of love and in the best interest of man. God excluded the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from what man could access. We are not sure of the nature of the tree, but it was bad enough that taking it would lead to death. The main thrust of our meditation today is that we must never confuse boundaries with barriers. God places boundaries, Satan mounts barriers. Boundaries are for our safety, while barriers are meant to limit us. We should utilize spiritual authority to dismantle barriers but should respect boundaries. Those who disregard boundaries may soon discover that they have erected self-imposed barriers that cannot be shifted. By the way, those who excel in life have established boundaries – financial, sexual, career, and other areas. A life without boundaries is a reckless one, and may end up in a disaster.