When I asked after a son of one of the men that we had served together in a ministry,
the father told me that he was schooling in the United States of America. His choice of
school was to facilitate his desire to play basketball. The young man told his father that
he did not want to get to heaven and be queried about what he did with his tallness! The
young man was quite tall. That is saying things mildly, but it is revealing. No matter our
height or size, there is a role for everybody. If we take a proper audit of ourselves under
the light of the Spirit, we see how to convert what we are to an advantage.
“Making the most of life is about living life to its full potential.”
Making the most of life is about living life to its full potential. For this to happen, several
things must be put into consideration. We already mentioned one – know and embrace
yourself. Rather than being preoccupied with body statistics that you think are not
complete, think of how to deploy what you have. As mentioned earlier, there is
something that is just right for you. Are you tall? Play basketball like the young man. Are
you stout? Try your hand on Shot Put or Discuss. In addition to embracing yourself, you
must learn to set goals. Though it takes more than setting goals to succeed, it is
nonetheless an important step as there is no chance of pursuing what you never set to
begin with. Set goals, pursue them, and celebrate every little milestone you attain at
different stages of your life. It is called enjoying where you are on the way to becoming
what you could be.