The text before us is one of those scriptures that deal with Messiah’s mission. Before His advent, humanity was captive of sin and Satan. His coming and sacrifice became the means by which former captives of wickedness became captives of the love of the Almighty God. Those who are in Christ are no longer servants of fear and death; they are free to serve God out of sincere hearts. When we think of the phrase ‘’leading captivity captive’’ in a contemporary sense, the story of Samuel Ajayi Crowther will fit the bill. He was born around 1807 in western Nigeria. When he was about 13, he was taken as a slave by Oyo and Fulani Muslims. Ajayi was traded six times before he was sold to a Portuguese slave-ship captain. When Ajayi was being shipped off to Europe in April 1822, a British patrol seized the ship carrying him and other slaves. They were taken to Sierra Leone and liberated. Ajayi would later become a minister of the gospel and one that was used mightily in translating the Bible into Yoruba language.
” The labour is ours; the reach and the impact are the Lord’s. If we do our bit faithfully, God knows where and how to apply our labour for maximum benefit of mankind. “
When William Wilberforce was labouring to stop the slave trade, Ajayi had not even been born. However, he laid a foundation of what would spell liberty for him and countless multitudes across the world. When called to labour for the Lord, we may not be in a position to fully determine the outcome. The labour is ours; the reach and the impact are the Lord’s. If we do our bit faithfully, God knows where and how to apply our labour for maximum benefit of mankind. I believe one day, Ajayi will look on the face of Wilberforce and say, ‘’What I did would not have been possible without the foundation you laid’’. Together, each will receive his due reward as every other servant of the Lord.