An essential aspect of the production process is product naming. So important is this aspect in the commercial world that there are agencies who hire linguists and other branding companies to find suitable names for products. Names create an identity as well as perception; so they should be given with utmost carefulness. The scripture says that God brought all the beasts of the field and birds in the air to Adam to name them. Why did God leave this important aspect of the creation process to man? I can think of three reasons. Firstly, God demonstrated trust in man’s ability. Amazingly, whatever name Adam called each living creature, God did not review it! That was God’s way of endorsing the man He had made in His image. Is it not true that God believes in us more than we believe in ourselves? Remember Gideon? Whereas he saw himself as a fugitive hiding from the onslaught of the Midianites, God saw in him a mighty man divinely equipped to deliver His people.
Man’s dominion over God’s work should be a source of awe and an inspiration to worship Him even more.
Secondly, by giving him the task of naming the creatures, God brought man into a joint venture with Him. Simply put, God made man a co-labourer with Him. Paul said to the Corinthians, “For we are God’s fellow workers…” (I Corinthians 3:9 NKJV). That is an incredible honour right there – to be in a group where God is the Team Lead. Finally, by asking man to give names to beasts and birds, God confirmed the superiority of man over other creatures. These other creatures came into existence before man; but the privilege of leadership was given to man. Man’s dominion over God’s work should be a source of awe and an inspiration to worship Him even more.