The exploits of Elijah were second to none. Perhaps the only man in the Old Testament setting that we can compare to this man in terms of ruggedness was Samson. That was one man who could tear lion with bare hand and uproot the gate of a city, bars and locks. Elijah stopped rain and brought it back. He multiplied the widow’s provision and brought her son back from the dead. He did breath-taking miracles. On the surface, he wore the look of a macho man. A macho man is someone with extravagant, exaggerated masculinity. Such men are rock solid and appear immoveable. But wait until Jezebeel’s courier arrives. The queen had been informed of all Elijah did and of how he killed the prophets of Baal. So she sent him a message, promising to kill Elijah by the next day.
“The difference between these men and others who are not as successful is that they refuse to give up. They just dig in, with a firm belief that things will turn around yet again.”
Elijah heard this and fled! A macho man flees because of a woman’s threat? He did not only flee but also began to entertain suicidal thoughts. He asked God to end it all for him. As strange as the story of Elijah was at this stage, it helps us to point to one fact: Great men are like everyone else. Successful people in business and ministry do have their moments of doubt. They come to their wit’s end, not knowing exactly what to do or where to turn. The difference between these men and others who are not as successful is that they refuse to give up. They just dig in, with a firm belief that things will turn around yet again. If you are weary today be assured that things will not remain this way.