In his book, HOLY SPIRIT, MY SENIOR PARTNER, Dr. David Yonggi Cho wrote:
“Every morning when I awake I greet the Holy Spirit and invite Him to go with me
through the day and take the lead in all my affairs, and He does. I say, Good morning
Holy Spirit. Let's work together today and I will be Your vessel.” I understand that in
order for him to create the consciousness of the Holy Spirit’s presence, he used to have
a chair next to his on the platform in which he assumes the Spirit sat. When it was time
for him to preach, he would invite the Holy Spirit that they do it together. After each
sermon, he would tell the Holy Spirit that they had done a good job together. Through
such a partnership with the Spirit of God, he succeeded to lead the largest church in the
world at a time.
“Recognising the Spirit every day and on every occasion, will allow us to enjoy more of His reality.”
We anchored our previous meditation on the need to recognise the Holy Spirit. If we
want to get more of the Spirit, we must recognise Him. What does it mean to recognise
someone? The word is a transitive verb and it means to admit someone of being a
particular status. It also means to admit someone as being entitled to be heard. Finally,
to recognise is to admit as being lord or sovereign. All these must be applied to our
dealings with the Spirit of God. The Spirit is sovereign. He is entitled to be heard. We
are to commune with Him regularly as we would with another person, because indeed
the Holy Spirit is a person – the third person in the Godhead. Recognising the Spirit
every day and on every occasion, will allow us to enjoy more of His reality.