In recent days, we stressed that persecution could be a blessing in disguise. In the case of Peter, persecution had run its full course. One thing we can see is that it produced a bonding effect in the Church. It also stirred up the spirit of supplication. Oftentimes, minor issues that cause division lose their grip on the church when she is confronted by an external threat. Then, God’s people put their differences aside to confront a common enemy.
“When a child of God faces challenges, he or she should hold on to faith. Those who stay faithful to the word of God will outlive their challenges”
Herod who spearheaded the attack on the Church had his cup full. When he could not kill Peter, he executed the soldiers who had custody of the apostle. Those men became a ransom for Peter. He overstepped his bounds when he engaged his oratorical power in addressing the people of Tyre and Sidon. He was instantly eaten by worms because he took the glory that rightly belonged to God. The lesson today is that the Word of God which he tried to silence by persecuting the leaders of the Church lived on. He died but the word lives. This has always been the case in history. God’s word will always outlive its persecutors. There is a personal application of this to life’s many challenges. When a child of God faces challenges, he or she should hold on to faith. Those who stay faithful to the word of God will outlive their challenges.