A few definitions of misery will be a good way to set forward our meditation. One says it is “a state of suffering and want that is the result of poverty”. Another sees it as “a circumstance, thing, or place that causes suffering or discomfort”. Finally, it is defined as “a state of great unhappiness and emotional distress”. There may be several sources of man’s miseries, but it is certain that God is not one of them. This is clear from our text. God was grieved that Israel lived under a miserable condition. It would be illogical for God to be grieved if He had been behind their misery. Today and for the rest of the month, our focus will be on the sources of misery. The goal is that by identifying them we will be at the same time equipped to eliminate them.
Many things that the children of God suffer from and blame on “village people” are actually born of their ignorance. Therefore, going after knowledge is pursuing freedom.
Ignorance is number one cause of misery. What we don’t know can hurt us. I remember a gentleman who was arraigned before a Mobile Court several years ago. The traffic officials conducted a stop and search that day and he had no fire extinguisher in his car. When he stood before the judge and his offence was read, he told the judge that he did not know that absence of fire extinguisher was an offence. The judge did not mince word when he told him, “Ignorance of the law is not a defence”. Many things that the children of God suffer from and blame on “village people” are actually born of their ignorance. Therefore, going after knowledge is pursuing freedom.