One indisputable fact about God is that He is a profound teacher. Yesterday, we learned that the Lord taught the disciples how to pray. Through the prophet, God announced that He is the one who teaches to prosper. “Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go.” Isaiah 48:17 NKJV. In today’s passage for meditation, we see God giving the formula for success to Joshua. This already establishes the fact that success is good and of God.
There is nothing inherently evil in having an ambition to succeed. In reality, it is ambition that drives the wheel of life. If ambition is taken away from all people, civilization and progress will come to a halt. Our focus should not be whether someone has an ambition, but what kind of ambition it is. If one desires success, all we need to know is the motivation behind the quest. In addition, we should be interested in knowing at what cost success is being pursued. If a goal, which is inseparably connected to success, is fit for the eye and the glory of God, and if the outcome of it will bring blessing for multitudes, we should not be afraid to go for it.