Many people desire to make it to the top, but only few know the pathway. In simple terms, responsibility is the ladder that takes people to the pinnacle of success. Three Bible characters of different eras will help to drive home this point. Joseph is the first consideration. He received instruction from his father to go and check on his brothers and their flocks. Though his brothers ganged up and sold him into slavery, that was but a step closer to his ultimate destiny of being a ruler in Egypt. The next example is Saul. He also had been mandated by his father to go and search for the lost asses. The frustration he encountered on that trip drove him to the Seer, Samuel. He was promptly told not to worry about the asses because they had been found. Moreover, he was told that God had chosen him to be the captain over Israel. Though he never wished or prayed for it, the throne was given to him in the course of demonstrating responsibility.
Finally, David also came to national limelight by following the path of responsibility. His father, Jesse, sent him to check after his brothers’ welfare at the battle front. It was while executing that assignment that he heard the boastful threat of Goliath. He took the gauntlet, brought down the Philistine giant and became a folk hero in Israel. From then on, his profile kept rising until he finally became king over all Israel.
Here is the point: every responsibility carries within it opportunity for greatness.
Great responsibility, invariably, is loaded with potential for great exploits and eventually enthronement. Whenever you are given a responsibility, don’t complain; rather get excited. That may be God’s indirect method for your lifting.