The angel Gabriel must have sounded unbelievable when he brought the news to Mary
that the Saviour would be born through her. Mary wondered how that could be possible
when she had no sexual relations with anybody. On the surface, it would seem like she
did not believe, but she asked on the basis of what was obtainable since the dawn of
human history. No woman ever conceived without the contribution of a man. Among the
several words that the angel employed to persuade her is Luke 1:37 – “For with God
nothing will be impossible.”
“In God, there are no probabilities but possibilities.”
In God, there are no probabilities but possibilities. The psalmist noted that it was
through God that he could run through a troop and leap over a wall. These feats are
beyond the ordinary man. However, all things become possible when God is supplying
strength. The world is yet to see incredible things that someone who is fully yielded to
God could do. Jesus gave us an idea of our great potential. He said that those who
believe in Him would do the works that He did, and even greater. Now, Jesus did some
awesome things. That is the realm every believer ought to flow in. The beginning of the
journey to this life of exploits is believing that it exists. Besides, we must settle it that it is
the realm in which God wants us to operate.