In our previous meditation, we established that without a purpose, there is no progress. This applies to both our spiritual walk with God and our aspirations in life. As good as having a purpose is, it cannot deliver by itself. Every purpose requires power to drive it. A purpose without the requisite power is dead on arrival.
Every purpose requires power to drive it. A purpose without the requisite power is dead on arrival…Don’t be contented with having a purpose; also seek the power of God that turns dreams into reality.
Our text illustrates this. As Jesus was about to hit the home run in His earthly mission, He forewarned the disciples of future events. He would be arrested, and all of them would scatter. Peter took an exception to that. He declared that he would pay the ultimate sacrifice, if necessary, to prove his commitment. That was a purpose, wasn’t it? However, at the challenge of a servant girl, Peter denied Jesus. Did Peter mean those words of commitment not to deny Jesus? I believe he did. What was lacking was the power. The will to do was present, but the power to pull through was lacking. Display of bravery and total fearlessness were later seen in Peter as his ministry took a new turn in Acts of the Apostles. The difference was the power of the Holy Spirit that invaded his life and the others. Don’t be contented with having a purpose; also seek the power of God that turns dreams into reality.