In our previous meditation, we learned that attitude can make someone victorious even in hostile environment. It can be the distinguishing factor between two persons locked under the same conditions. Let’s take a closer look at the subject of attitude. Attitude is about our disposition or general outlook to life. It is powerful enough to determine how high we climb. It may actually be the difference between life and death. When we talked of suicide and suicide bids in yesterday’s meditation, attitude definitely played a part. Attitude will trump environment any day. If the environment is toxic to your aspirations but you have a positive attitude, you cannot be defeated. John Maxwell said, “For some, attitude presents a difficulty in every opportunity; for others it presents an opportunity in every difficulty.”
Attitude will trump environment any day. If the environment is toxic to your aspirations but you have a positive attitude, you cannot be defeated…God’s word is the best attitude moulder.
Attitude has been linked to the past, present, and future. Hear John Maxwell again on attitude: “It is the librarian of our past. It is the speaker of our present. It is the prophet of our future.” How often do we meet people running from pillar to post, looking for people to prophesy great future on them, who go about with terrible attitude! From a person’s attitude you can fairly predict their future. Great, positive attitude will lead to great future; a negative one will ruin the best of chances. Note: attitude is never static. It can be poor, fair, good, or great. The good thing, however, is that wherever we might be today on attitude scale, we can choose to work on it. The Bible is given to us as mirror; with it we can enjoy an upward climb on the ladder of positive attitude. A good way to develop a positive attitude is by observing those who already have it. Follow their example, and you will soar on attitude scale. Above all, look to God via His word. God’s word is the best attitude moulder.