Bethlehem of old was a small town. It was first mentioned in relation to the death and burial of Rachel, Jacob’s wife who died during childbirth. The next mention was not encouraging either. In Ruth 1, we read of a famine in Bethlehem which led to Elimelech and his family relocating to Moab. That was one journey too many as the man and his two sons never made it back. About the first good thing noted in connection with this city came when Samuel went there to anoint David as king. This little city would later come under the prophetic radar of God. As Micah 5:2 shows, that was where Heaven planned that the Saviour would be born. For more than two thousand years now, little Bethlehem has continued to play host to millions from around the world as tourists troop in to see the birthplace of Jesus.
“The world cares less about people and things that are not making immediate headlines…However, things are a lot different with God. Little things can be very significant.”
In our world today, we often think that it is only what is big that is significant. The world cares less about people and things that are not making immediate headlines. This account for the desperation of many to get attention. However, things are a lot different with God. Little things can be very significant. God made little ant man’s instructor and wants us to gain wisdom from it. Though ants are little, God sends such people to observe the ways of the ant and get wisdom. Here is the point: little things in the hands of God become great. That is what He did for little Bethlehem, and that is what He can do for any life.