Providence is defined as divine guidance or care. It is conceived as God’s power, covertly sustaining and guiding human destiny. In the past meditation, we learned how Elijah enjoyed exemption in the days of famine, first at Cherith. When the brook dried up, he was led to go and meet the widow at Zarephath and here, we see providence kick in powerfully. It is interesting to note that the brook dried up just about the same time the woman’s oil and flour were about drying up. Divinely, God tied the two cases and individuals together. There is another behind-the-scene operation of God. When Elijah got to the city, the first person he met was the woman to whom he had been sent. He did not have to comb the entire city to locate his target. What may seem on the surface as coincidence was in reality the providential hand of God at work.
“What may seem on the surface as coincidence was in reality the providential hand of God at work”
This brings us to an important lesson about the intervention of God. He is always spot on. God is a perfect time keeper. When He intervenes, it is always on time. Imagine what must have been going on in the mind of the widow as she was gathering sticks to make her last meal! She could not have thought that what was her last was just the beginning of a new day. In her difficult moments, God brought help. The Psalmist gave an assurance that God will help His people and that right early. Let us then with confident faith look up to God for all the concerns of our lives. Faithful is He who has promised; and He has all that is necessary to turn things round.