In our previous meditation, we made an attempt at establishing what the purpose of life is – it is to fulfill purpose. Of course, our life on earth is a fraction of time given to us to prepare for eternity. Few people have this understanding. When God gave an open cheque to Solomon to ask what he wanted, the young king asked for wisdom and understanding. He went for the tools that would make him effective in the pursuit of God’s purpose for his life. God was so pleased with his request that He not only gave him what he asked but added other things that an average person craves for.
“Those who have eternal life should not be overly concerned with long life…Our concern should be how to live and accomplish our mission on earth, whatever that mission is.”
Many are obsessed with the desire to live long. This reflects in the wishes given on birthday anniversaries. Hundreds of people will wish you long life and prosperity. While this is good, those who have eternal life should not be overly concerned with long life. What is longer than eternal life anyway? There is an aspect of our being that will never die. Our spirit will spend eternity in the presence of the Almighty God. Our concern should be how to live and accomplish our mission on earth, whatever that mission is. A long life with unaccomplished mission is failure and misery. Neither Jesus nor Paul was preoccupied with how long they lived. It did not really matter to them; what counted was finishing God’s mandate. I came across an anonymous writer who settled everything for me with this prayer: “God, give me work till my life shall last-and life till my work is done”. Make this your earnest plea as well.