How do we describe the purpose of life, particularly for believers? Firstly, our purpose is to know God and make Him known. This is the meaning of eternal life. “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” (John 17:3 NKJV). It doesn’t matter who or what we know, until we factor in the knowledge of the true God, everything is a hoax. Next to knowing the true God is striving to make Him known so that others can also be partakers of eternal life.
“The second purpose of life is to give God worship…Those who engage in genuine worship will soon find out that their own needs are met supernaturally as well.”
The second purpose of life is to give God worship. In the past meditation, we averred that God has a need that He cannot fulfill by Himself. That need is worship. It is for the purpose of doing the one thing God needs that He cannot handle for Himself that we exist. Every time you worship, you fulfil the purpose of your existence. Your worship helps in meeting a need in the heart of God. Those who engage in genuine worship will soon find out that their own needs are met supernaturally as well. These are the ones who will get answers even before they finish their petitions. Worship sets the universal principle of exchange in motion. We give something to God and He grants us what we need but cannot produce by ourselves. One of the conditions stated in the Old Testament was that people should not appear before God empty-handed. We can apply that principle today too. It is not only money or material things we are to bring before God; we should bring worship. In reality, it is a genuine heart of worship that makes all other offerings acceptable.