Joshua Broome is the lead pastor of KNWN, Ely, Iowa. His story is a pointer to what grace can do and that no one is beyond reach. At some point, Broome was reported as one of the top five male porn stars globally. His adventure into the ignoble career began about the age of 13 or 14 when he encountered pornography. He soon got addicted, as he craved for more and more. A chance encounter with some girls already in the porn industry goaded him to sign up. In his 5-year career as a porn star, he made about $1 million, but it was a miserable experience. He felt dirty, isolated, and unloved. He eventually quit the trade to reunite with his mother who did not condemn him. Another chance encounter with a lady at the gym would later change his life forever. The lady invited him to a church service where he had the gospel preached and his life turned around. They were married shortly after.
It is equally interesting that a horrible past spent in sin does not preclude you from the service of God. The loving God does not need to consult your past before engaging your future…You have a place in God’s scheme of things.
Broome reminds us of the woman of Samaria in John Chapter four. She had virtually lost her sense of worth having been a pawn in the hands of six men. Meeting Jesus gave her a new slate. With her newfound life she moved into the city, bringing many men to the feet of the Saviour. These stories tell us several things. No one is far too gone that the long hand of God cannot reclaim. If you or any of your loved ones appears lost in sin and trespasses, the grace of God is still mightily available. It is equally interesting that a horrible past spent in sin does not preclude you from the service of God. The loving God does not need to consult your past before engaging your future. The woman of Samaria became an evangelist, and Broome is currently serving as a pastor. You have a place in God’s scheme of things.