On Wednesday April 5, 2023, I touched down at London Heathrow to begin my one-week visit to the United Kingdom. Even before I passed immigration formalities, I deemed it necessary to call my wife and inform her of my safe landing. Later that day, I called or texted a number of other people to inform them of my arrival just as I hinted them before departure. Then it occurred to me that relationship means responsibility and accountability. There is no serious relationship without these two.
If you are in a genuine relationship with anyone, get ready to be accountable.
That also means that you do not venture into relationships with people to whom you do not want to be responsible and accountable. Note also that relationships operate on the law of reciprocity. All the people I communicated with would do the same to me. Most of them would not step out of town without a courtesy notice. That agrees with the kingdom principle that says, “Do to others what you want them to do to you”.
Our text takes this insight to a new level. It shows that even God is responsible and accountable to people who have quality relationships with Him. Abraham was called a friend of God. That was both honour and responsibility. Abraham held such a position that made God accountable to him. When Elisha saw the Shunemite woman in a distressed state, he was surprised that God had not told him about her earlier. As we begin another month and a new quarter, let us strive to take our relationship with God to a new level, so that we can become recipients of divine secrets.