Virtually in all cases, the kingdom of God is opposed to the ways and values of the world. The kingdom represents the Spirit, while the world represents the flesh. The scripture says that these two are contrary to one another (Galatians 5:17). One of my pastimes is reading advertisements on billboards and other outlets. As I drive through the streets, I look for the new ploys of advertising companies and commercial houses. Recently, a bottling company put up an advert with the caption, LIVE FOR NOW. As simple as this is, it stomps everything the gospel of the Kingdom stands for. The Gospel did not teach us to live for now; everything it sets up is for the future.
“Kingdom citizens do not live for now, they live for the future…Whatever good things come our way in this world will be mercy drops compared to what is reserved.”
More than anything, living for now is all the devil is putting on the front burners of many lives. He wants the young men and women to live for now in sexual promiscuity. The devil wants a new start-up to live for now and squander whatever little profit comes into the business. When you look for Bible example of a life that embraced the LIVE FOR NOW philosophy the mind will immediately race to the prodigal son. Prematurely, he asked the father to give him whatever inheritance he would be entitled to when he bows in death. He chose to live for now rather than be groomed. He became a wreck in no time. The Kingdom of God teaches moderation in this present world and a lavish reward in the world to come. Kingdom citizens do not live for now, they live for the future. Our lead scripture reminds us that an inheritance is reserved for us in heaven. Whatever good things come our way in this world will be mercy drops compared to what is reserved.