The words of our mouth are seeds and there is a harvest attached to them. In other words, you can determine the pattern of your life through what you say (James 3:3–5). There is power in what you say. God gave us authority over all things. This authority also extends to the words of our mouths. We could either decide to use it for good or for evil. The words of our mouths programme our actions (Ephesians 4:29-30). If you don’t sin in what you say, you are a perfect man. Your speech has the ability to defile you. God’s word, on the other hand, is flawless. So to remain perfect in what you say, simply align your words to the word of God. Before you speak, consider what the word of God says concerning that particular situation. In order for this to happen, you have to store up God’s word in your heart through diligent study of His word. What your mind dwells on programmes the way you talk.
With words God created the whole earth. With words Jesus defeated Satan in the wilderness. We are of God; therefore there is power in our words. Whatever you say continually begins to happen in your life. In other words, never say what you don’t want to happen in your life. You could be pressured by situations around you to speak negatively, but always look at what God says about that situation and speak it.