Many of the themes covered in the Bible can be viewed from the prism of restoration. If I was asked to provide one word that can summarize the major operations of God as revealed in Scriptures, I would not hesitate to say that it is restoration. Events and things past, present, and future can all be explained under this theme. Creation as we have it in Genesis 1 is about restoration. The destruction of pre-Adamic world was what informed the “new creation”. The first advent of Jesus was about restoration. By His coming, He restored man’s fellowship with God. Delay to His second coming can be explained under this banner. The Scripture says that heaven will retain Him until there must have been restoration of certain things which the prophets predicted. “Whom heaven must receive [and retain] until the time for the complete restoration of all that God spoke by the mouth of all His holy prophets for ages past [from the most ancient time in the memory of man].” Acts 3:21 AMPC
Actually, obtaining restoration for the soul opens the floodgate for other forms of restoration. It is a cheering news to know that God is still in the business of restoration; and you can key into it.
When Jesus eventually returns, it would be to bring full restoration. Both the millennial reign and the inauguration of eternity will all be about restoration. In our text, Jesus said that the Father is working until now, and so does He. What kind of work is God into? It is the work of restoration. David spoke concerning God as He that restores the soul. It is not only the soul that God restores. He restores all things as well. Actually, obtaining restoration for the soul opens the floodgate for other forms of restoration. It is a cheering news to know that God is still in the business of restoration; and you can key into it.