The first few verses of Genesis capture God’s restoration of the universe earlier destroyed by the rebellion of Lucifer. That set the tone for what the rest of the Bible would cover in greater detail. Most workings of God are restorative. Things past, present, and future can all be explained under this theme. As observed earlier, creation as we have it in Genesis 1 is about restoration. The first advent of Jesus was about restoration. By His coming, He restored man’s fellowship with God. Delay to His second coming can be explained under this banner too. The Scripture says that heaven will retain Him until the restoration of certain things which the prophets predicted.
Finally, God demonstrated the power of His words in the restoration process. In any area where we desire restoration, we must engage the word of God.
There are salient lessons to glean from our text regarding restoration. Firstly, God did not deny reality. He recognized the prevalent chaos. Some think that the way to demonstrate faith is to overlook or deny the existence of negatives. That is not how God operates. Denial and faith are not the same. There is no place that God denied the fact that Satan and evil exist. What is clear is that God never allows the disruptor, that is the devil, to have the final say on any issue. That is how we should operate as well. Finally, God demonstrated the power of His words in the restoration process. In any area where we desire restoration, we must engage the word of God.