The resurrection of Jesus offered several benefits to the disciples. Firstly, their doubts
were dealt with. Jesus did this by showing the nail imprint on His hands. “When He had
said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when
they saw the Lord.” (
“Our duty is to let others know that Jesus has risen and He has a package for them as well.”
These offers are significant. They marked the restoration of all that Adam lost in the
Garden of Eden. When man sinned, fear entered and peace fled. No wonder those
were the first set of things that Jesus offered. In addition, fellowship with God was
restored. Here is the good news: All that Jesus offered to the disciples on that
resurrection morning are still available to every believer today. Jesus has risen, so you
and I can experience peace in the midst of tumult. By the power of resurrection, we can
silence the loud noise of fear and intimidation. One other thing is clear from our text;
that is, Jesus made us His ambassadors. All that He offered us are to be relayed to
others. Every offer of God comes with a responsibility. Our duty is to let others know
that Jesus has risen and He has a package for them as well.