The writer of Hebrews stated validly that God is able to save to the uttermost those who come to Him by Christ. In other words, from the moment someone embraces saving grace until he breathes his last, there are provisions to keep him in the narrow path. God employs several agencies to achieve this. First of all, the Holy Spirit is given as a Guide and Strengthener. In gentle whispers, the Spirit keeps telling the believer, “this is the way walk in it”. When the recommended way appears strenuous and difficult, the Spirit comes along to supply the requisite strength. There is nowhere God will lead that the Spirit will not be present to accompany you. This is what can make a believer say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.
The Spirit and the conscience are given to pilot safely to our sweet haven. They provide us with safety valves in our journey. To neglect their whispers and cries is to court dangers.
The other agency that is given to keep the believer in the right path is the conscience. This is the resident judge or umpire. It is the decider of right or wrong. This does not necessarily dictate where to go or what to do. As noted earlier, that role is reserved for the Spirit of God. However, once a wrong course of action is embarked upon, the conscience calls out. The Spirit mostly whispers. It takes a measure of sobriety to recognise His voice. It is the conscience that gives out a yell to call an erring child of God to order. So, while writing to Timothy, Paul called some people out who failed to respect the voice of their conscience. Those were the people who made a mess of their faith and were neither profitable nor profited in the end. The Spirit and the conscience are given to pilot safely to our sweet haven. They provide us with safety valves in our journey. To neglect their whispers and cries is to court dangers.