The mysterious caller I introduced in our meditation yesterday asked, “Where are you, now?” Even though from his greetings, he acted very familiar to me, his question betrayed him. This man probably picked my number from a directory or any of my publications and tried his luck. This brings us to another of Satan’s devices. The devil cannot prevail over you except if he first secures some confidential information about you. See how the devil approached Eve: “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1,NKJV). The devil chatted her up, seeking some information from her to proceed with his evil intention. It is important to realize that though the devil may have some vague idea about you, he does not possess the specifics, except the ones you volunteer to him.
Many Christians sell themselves to the devil by giving him information. Whenever you speak negatively, you sell yourself. When you confess weakness rather than embrace the strength that God has made available to you, you sell yourself. For many, it is a case of arrested development because they are always speaking words that the devil uses to attack them. As hard as my caller tried, I refused to disclose where I was. I realized that if he knew my position, the grand scheme would commence. All he would do was to put a loop around me through the vast network of con men in my area. Stop selling yourself to the devil; stop speaking negative words.