Not all of Satan’s schemes come as falsehoods. Perhaps his deadliest arsenals are often associated with good deeds either to further the cause of God or for humanity. Pursuing a good cause at a wrong time can be disastrous. Moses’ story will clearly illustrate this truth. He was a man born in due season. Because of the special assignment of God on his life, he was shielded from Pharaoh’s sword. His calling was that of a deliverer, and at age 40 he was stirred to that cause. When he saw the oppression of one of his folks, he rose stoutly to defend him and slew the Egyptian aggressor. He had saved a man, but in the wrong way and at the wrong time. The consequence of that was 40 years in exile.
Everything has a season; and every purpose has a set time. It is not enough to understand the purpose of God for you; you must also understand His timing. If you want to do things before the time, then you must be ready to push in the flesh. The flesh never agrees with the Spirit. Doing things in the flesh may lure you to arm-twisting strategies that would do more harm than good. No matter the pressure, wait for God’s timing. This is where Jesus distinguished Himself. Neither friend nor foe could make Him take a step without the Father’s approval. That was why He enjoyed God’s backing at all times.