Different things stoke the fire of hatred in different people. Yesterday, we saw that Cain’s anger against Abel was on account of the fact that his own offering was rejected, just as Saul envied David because he felt he received lesser endorsement. We see the same scenario playing out today in form of insecurity. When Herod heard that another king had been born, insecurity overcame him. He immediately summoned the Priests and the scribes to get fuller information about the born-king. Specifically, he wanted to know where the King was to be born. The priests and the scribes knew the prophecy concerning this. They got the location right. The probing issue right now is: why were they oblivious that Christ had come? It was because they missed an essential element of prophecy – timing!
Thirdly, you have to know the season that the word of God has been programmed for fulfilment. God speaks and performs His word in seasons.
Several things are required to profit from God’s word. The first, of course, is knowing the word itself. What is it that God is saying? If you do not know how to receive the word of God, how will you ever know when it has come to pass? Secondly, you must understand that there is an element of geography to the word of God. Certain things that God purposed can only come to pass in designated location. If you have the word of promise but you are wrongly located, you are not likely going to see it fulfilled. Thirdly, you have to know the season that the word of God has been programmed for fulfilment. God speaks and performs His word in seasons. Jesus stood in the synagogue and read a prophecy of Isaiah. When He finished reading He said, “This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears”. Every word of God has their day of fulfilment.