Let us take away some misgivings about the anointing as a matter of first course. Firstly, the anointing is not for preachers alone. Oftentimes, believers comment that one minister or another is anointed. The fact is all believers are (or should be) anointed. Secondly, the anointing is not determined necessarily by the high noise made in a place of worship or the number of people who roll on the ground. The experience of Elijah on the Mount shows that the anointing does not always come in fiery winds and scary fires. It could be in a still, small voice. Finally, the anointing is not synonymous with the oil. The oil is nothing more than an emblem of the real thing. How then can we define the anointing? Simply put, it is the Spirit of God in manifestation. When the Spirit is in the active mode, burdens are lifted and yokes destroyed. Guidance is obtained and favour follows.
If you want to flow in an ever-increasing anointing, love what God loves and hate what He hates.
Jesus is known to be the most anointed person that ever lived. “For he is sent by God. He speaks God’s words, for God gives him the Spirit without limit.” John 3:34 NLT. How did Jesus enjoy such a boundless flow of the anointing? The answer is partly found in our text. He loved what God loves! God loves righteousness, and He chose that as the priority of His life. The result was the kind of anointing that intimidated the devil everywhere He went. If you want to flow in an ever-increasing anointing, love what God loves and hate what He hates.