Success is inconceivable or meaningful without God’s input. This much was made clear in our previous meditation. We have also noted that divine input, among other things, principally involves guidance. God’s guidance serves as light. Darkness as we know impedes speed; and it also makes for stumbling. To avoid these dangers, God has fitted everyone with a candle. Our passage describes this candle as the “spirit of man”. If we keep pace with our spirits and follow every lead, there will neither be occasion for failure nor stumbling. This also rests on one assumption that the candle is lit. How can one light this candle?
A metaphor used to describe God’s word is light. Accordingly, the Psalmist declares, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). God’s word is His written counsel put together by His Holy Spirit. Through meditation in Scripture the Holy Spirit impresses upon human heart the very will of God for the season. When such leading is followed to their spiritual conclusion, glory is the result. Psalm 1 clearly associates success with meditation in the word of God. Not only will the word of God supply you with the direction to follow, it will actually energize you to follow through. Apostle Peter provided the motive for writing his two epistles. They were both designed to “stir your pure minds” (2 Peter 3:1). The word of God provides stirring for the inward aspect of man, leading to productive ventures.