In the previous meditation, we referred to the spirit of man as the candle of the Lord. We also mentioned the fact that when God speaks to us, our candle is lit. Today, we shall focus on what happens when the spirit man is in contact with the word of the Lord. When Jesus rose from the dead, He walked with two men who were travelling from Jerusalem to Emmaus. These disciples were discussing the latest news, the resurrection of the Master. He then proceeded to expound to them from scriptures how Jesus Christ is the Lord and how He must rise from the dead. When they finally got home and He blessed the bread, probably in a manner accustomed to Jesus, their eyes were opened, and they knew it was Him. They later confessed what was happening to them as Jesus taught from the scriptures: “And they said to one another, ‘Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32). Literally, their spirit (or candle) was lit by the words Jesus spoke.
One thing followed the encounter of these disciples with the Lord. They rushed back to Jerusalem to give the good news. That was after they had just made an exhausting journey home. However, the moment their spirit was set aglow, they had fresh supply of energy and enthusiasm. Whenever you are feeling low and losing interest, it could be an indication that your candle needs to be rekindled. This is where God’s word comes handy. Fresh intake of the word is like fresh supply of fuel.