There is a condition that is called astigmatism. It took a medical practitioner to fill me in on this. The doctor told me a story of a young boy whose parent had literally given up on. The boy was listless in class, almost to the point of losing his mind. Everything was done to sober him but to no avail. The next move by the parent was to take him for deliverance; having concluded that his problem was spiritual. After sessions of deliverance he was no better. Somebody eventually recommended that he should be brought to the eye centre; and that was when it was discovered that he was suffering from astigmatism. The doctor explained to me that this abnormality sends conflicting images to a patient, and this explains why the boy’s behaviour was uncoordinated. After series of treatment, he was restored and even came third in his class to the chagrin of those who knew him before.
“Divergent views can cause major distractions in life and lead to satanic entrapment.”
Incidentally, this condition has its spiritual parallel. We may think of spiritual astigmatism, where an individual is having conflicting images in his mind and thoughts. Just as physical astigmatism has disturbing, confusing effects, I believe spiritual astigmatism will be no less damaging. In our text, David prayed that God would lead him in a plain path. It’s like David was praying against the condition we stated here. He did not want conflicting views in his mind. We all need to make this our prayer. Divergent views can cause major distractions in life and lead to satanic entrapment.