In Philippians 1:17, Apostle Paul spoke of his readiness to defend the gospel. Peter on his part enjoined us to always be ready to supply an answer to those who ask for the reason behind our faith. In other words, he wants us to defend our faith in Christ. Let us examine a couple of examples from the book of Daniel to test what it means to defend the faith. At one time, Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold and commanded all subjects under his domain to worship it. Three young Hebrew men refused, drawing their authority from the law of God which forbids bowing down in worship to any other god. Later Daniel defied the odds and prayed after it had been decreed that no one should call on any God for anything but to the king for 30 days. Daniel could have reasoned, “Well, it’s just for 30 days; I will quit praying for political correctness. I will soon resume my life of faith through communion when the curfew is over”. No; he prayed anyway. Choosing to pray even when his life was at risk was a stand for his faith in God. In both examples God’s power was greatly manifested for deliverance. If we stand for God He will surely stand by us.
The magnitude of false gospel being peddled calls for spirited action of a few who will lift up the standard for the world to see. You can make yourself available for this noble cause.
In every generation, God would normally seek out someone for some strategic assignment. In the days of Ezekiel what He was looking for was an intercessor. Well, in a sense He still looks for people who will pray in spirit and in truth. Besides, God is looking for those who will take a stand to defend the faith of Christ which was delivered through the gospel. The magnitude of false gospel being peddled calls for spirited action of a few who will lift up the standard for the world to see. You can make yourself available for this noble cause.